Culinary Croatia Calls, Part IV

Such a relief! Not only did the move go very smoothly and the cleaning get accomplished on time, not only did we manage to get to the insurance office and the bank and finish a…

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Culinary Croatia Calls — Part III

I’m still busy and distracted here by the many demands of moving, but I had one of those moments this morning, reading the weekend paper, having gone for a run, showered, then brought my breakfast…

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Culinary Croatia Calls, via Guest Blogger Dottoressa — And What a Delicious Call It is!

Most of my readers will already know Dottoressa from her regular generous and thoughtful comments, and you will also have had the chance to read her recent Guest Post here where she tells us about…

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Let’s have Coffee– in Croatia!

Thanks so much for your kind comments on my Paris Love Story. After the recent tragic events in that city we’ve visited so often and love so dearly, I wasn’t sure whether I could continue…

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