Let’s Give Them Something to Talk About: an Epistolary Exchange

Yesterday, in the (Paris) Pompidou Centre’s exhibition of Alice Neel’s important and startling and often subversive work, I snapped a photo of this portrait of her, at 80, by Robert Mapplethorpe. I think his portrait offers itself as an intriguing counterpoint to an email conversation I had with a blog reader, an epistolary extension of the space I’m trying to clear here for chatting among ourselves about Women + Age + Sexuality. Click through to read more.

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New Vistas in Our 50s? One Woman’s Story. . .

When her oldest son moved on to university university five years ago, this amateur quilter (with years of experience as a Nursing Sister) began dreaming of building a new career based on her passion. Since then, she’s completed a rigorous City and Guilds course, faced a number of hurdles thrown up by life in general and Covid-19 in particular. But she launched her new business this winter and agreed to an interview (via email) which I’m very happy to present to you. Click through to read on. . .

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Interview with a Bold Retiree (She Moved to Portugal!)

I’m so pleased — and excited! — to bring you this digital visit with a recently retired former Los Angelena who, with her husband, dreamed up a big move and new lifestyle in Portugal —…

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Retirement Move, Interrupted. . . . Or, After Covid, Portugal.. .

I can’t remember how or when I twigged to an impending retirement move by a frequent reader/commenter, here. But it didn’t take long for that move, in all its complexities and joys and losses and…

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A Garden in Germany — Third in a Series of Garden Visits

On Friday, I introduced you to Eleonore, and gave you a quick peek into her garden, let her say a few words, and promised we’d spend more time with her on Monday. And now it’s…

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Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.