Of Airplane Travel and a Francophile’s Vintage Treasures. . .

Since we last met here, I’ve flown over the Tyrennhian and then the Ligurian seas, the island of Corsica, all bathed in sunshine. . . flown over the Alps into France, deeper and deeper into…

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Making a List, Checking it Twice. . . Busy Days . . .

Okay, I got home safely yesterday, the drive out to the ferry not bad although we were both grateful that I’ve been insisting, the last few years, on real snow tires from November through March…

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Christmas Doodle-ing

Perhaps it was the example of Nola’s focus on the simplicity of one gift, one activity, but I was amazed by how successful this DoodleArt poster was in drawing everyone together. I’d wrapped one for…

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Christmas Moments — A Child’s Focus

 The last set of family departs later today, taking our little granddaughter away with them. I’ve loved the “five days of Christmas” with a houseful, but I’m ready for some quiet now, already snuggling in…

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Sunshine, Lilacs, Birthday Honours

 Finally, finally, yesterday the sun came out and shone for the entire day. My birthday. I could not have been more honoured. Well, except for how honoured I felt at the family dinner Sunday night,…

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