Mellow Yellow — a Medley of Cheer

Yellow from the ground up — a Medley of Mellow Yellow, including some Outfits of the Day, some cheery blooms, a sketch of a favourite book cover (yellow, of course), and some mending. All that’s missing is YOU; do pop through by clicking the link.

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Five Things on a Sunny Spring Friday

Well, we’ll see if I make it to Five Things.  1. These beautiful apple blossoms on the Scarlet Sentinel tree opened this week in our terrace garden, thanks to some very generous sunshine.  Besides being…

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Walking in Portland)

We’re off on a short family-oriented road trip this week; I’ll tell you a bit more about destination and motivation later. For now, I still have a few more photos I haven’t shown you from…

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Sunny Skies in Portland . . .

 Wow! So many interesting responses to Monday’s post, proving yet again the significance of quotidian domestic details. If you haven’t yet pondered the place of electric kettles in your life or in the lives represented…

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Garden Walking — the Cure for What Ails Me. . .

 Besides having my mother’s birthday, and the anniversary of her death, on the March calendar, I realized today that it’s also the month we listed our much-loved island home for sale two years ago. Overall,…

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Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.