Monday, Monday — Of Moods and Friends and The Possibilities of Reaching Out

I’ve been wrestling with a very low mood again this weekend, and without boring you (and giving up all my privacy) with details, I’ll just say that once this creeps in, it becomes physical, something between…

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A Little Navy Dress and Some Thoughts about Friendship

 For an opera as splendid as Turandot, especially when produced this sumptuously, one really should dress up a bit. But the practicalities of walking to the Skytrain stop through Saturday night’s significant rainfall couldn’t be…

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Friday — Another Sleepover Guest, Another Test for the New Urban Lifestyle

 Okay, these photos really have nothing to do with the text of this post — except that they testify to the compensations an urban lifestyle offers against the reduction of space it cost us. .…

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White Graphic Tee-Shirt, Two Ways, Two Days

I briefly considered rustling up a Five Things Friday post, but since I’ve scheduled Five Visits with Friends!! in the two days we’re in Nanaimo, I’m going with a very short-and-sweet What I Wore instead.…

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More about that Blogger-Reader Meet-Up: Visiting in Zagreb

Paul and Dottoressa standing behind a chain from the HMS Victory, the British warship commanded by Admiral Nelson in the Battle of Trafalgar. The chain has been at this site since 1878.  As Lisa wrote…

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