December Reading, Part II

Tomson Highway’s memoir, Permanent Astonishment, was the last book I read in 2022, and with this post I’ve finished Part II of my December Reading account. Click through to read what I say about the memoir and find out what other books I read last month.

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October reading, Reporting from Italy . . .

In Italy right now, but I brought my hand-written Reading Journal so that I can still publish my October Books post. I’m looking forward to our usual book chat — hope you find something here for your TBR list!

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August Reading — An Embarrassment of Biblio Riches, Part I

I read so many books in August that I’m dividing this post into two parts. Six books in each, with some recommendations I hope you like among the twelve. Please click through to read.

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Rounding Up the Summer Reading — August Is Over!

 We’re in the last third of this challenging year,  a year in which my reading has oscillated between indulging my need to escape and fulfilling my need to understand the challenges we face. August brought…

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June Reading . . . Yep, I’m Late. . .

Of course, I’m late. What else would I expect, given the established pattern here? But I’m still showing up, and I hope that counts for something. .  . Again, just posting photos of the relevant…

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