Fiction Therapy

Sometimes I just want my reading to be entertaining and well-written, not necessarily light, but defnnitely lighter than Karl Ove Knaussgard’s struggles…. After this last weekend, all I wanted to do was pull the covers…

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1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 — Playing Catch-Up Here with a Grab-Bag of Books for you

I’ve been reading, yes, but I’ve also been packing and trying to get the house organized to leave it for almost two months and visiting the kids before we leave and meeting with the housesitter…

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Icy Times in a Wonderful Parisian-Set Mystery. . .Vargas and Adamsberg

Last post, I wrote a bit about the role Obligation plays in my reading. Perhaps I made it sound as if Obligation was necessarily at odds with Pleasure, and of course, that is Wrong. Wrong.…

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Reading by Obligation, Self-Imposed. . .

Interestingly, but probably not surprisingly, my reading patterns mirror my personality as clearly as most of my other behaviour patterns. Perhaps even more so.  Duty struggles with pleasure, goals struggle against random temptations, and a…

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En Français, a Little Light Reading

The combination of a Paris visit (a week with my sister at the beginning of May) and my just-beginning Retirement has me ramping up my efforts with the French language. Listening to French radio and…

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