Books I Read in October

Yes, my report on the books I read in October has broken my record for tardiness, but I’m finally bringing you a quick review of some engaging fiction (thriller, fantasy, mystery, social commentary) as well as a memoir that had me laughing out loud regularly. . . and a Young Adult novel my granddaughter recommended to me.
A lighter reading month in terms of subject matter, and I think I needed that — hope you’ll find something here to bring to your own armchair. . .

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February, Books Read: Mysteries, Non-Fiction, French Fiction, Literary Fiction, Fiction in Translation. . . . All the Books!

Whew! That’s a title, eh? I figured you might be wearying of “November Books Read, Books Read in December, January Books Read, etc., but I couldn’t quite rise to snappy. I’ll try harder next month…

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And The Year’s Reading Began Well: January Books

And so it begins. . . A new Reading Journal for 2021, a small notebook received at a Creative Mornings event, back when those were still in person (sigh). . . I used one of…

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Rounding Up the Summer Reading — August Is Over!

 We’re in the last third of this challenging year,  a year in which my reading has oscillated between indulging my need to escape and fulfilling my need to understand the challenges we face. August brought…

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June Reading . . . Yep, I’m Late. . .

Of course, I’m late. What else would I expect, given the established pattern here? But I’m still showing up, and I hope that counts for something. .  . Again, just posting photos of the relevant…

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