Doing Nothing at the Office . . . .en français . . . .

This is a good reminder that Busy is better than Boring. . . . and it’s good fun to listen to as well . . . Enjoy!

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Paris vs. West Coast Island*

Scrolling through my photos to find the delicious shoes for Wednesday’s post, I was momentarily arrested by this shot — brought back to the Paris trottoir where I’d looked up to recognize the more urban, and…

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Visiting (and Sketching) St. Emilion

Hot enough for this long (Gap) tank dress — so long that I have to belt it or I’d be tripping continuously — and my trusty Birkenstocks. . . . we took our first car…

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To Soothe a Querulous Spirit . . .

 This stunningly gorgeous seascape and this bottle  and, finally, after hours of looking for food when and where no restaurants were open (the one that was, desolé, was full, and sent us down the road,…

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A dapper working man . . .

Too busy with work to write much, but I thought I’d share this photo I was recently shown of my maternal grandfather; my best guess is this would be sometime around 1910-1915. I mentioned here…

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Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.