Oh, those Grumpies! Yes, even in Paris!

Friday morning, we woke in Paris. That should have been enough to guarantee happiness, but it was a cold grey Paris we woke to, further narrowing the options in my carry-on-only capsule wardrobe. So I…

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Nana Window Shops Bordeaux

We had a great day yesterday–our friend Lesley picked us up about 11 and drove us into the Médoc to ogle the chateaux. At several of the vineyards, we could see workers getting organized to…

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Settling In — Bonjour Bordeaux

Happily settling in our rented Bordeaux house, listening to québécois singer, Coeur de Pirate, convinced of the worth of packing along the little Jawbone Jambox speaker. Early September sunshine shifts over the vine-festooned garden wall…

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Five Things Friday

1. Weather: My daughter just Instagram-posted a screenshot of the weather in Rome, where she’s been trying to find shady spots for hanging out with our granddaughter. 34 Degrees! That’s tough in a city, and they’ve…

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A few Treats for You. . . .

MySpring Navy post of a few days ago seems rather bland compared to Lisa and Sue’s fun experiments, posted today, of dressing under each other’s influence. They almost inspire me to take my looks to…

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