Christmas Moments — A Child’s Focus

 The last set of family departs later today, taking our little granddaughter away with them. I’ve loved the “five days of Christmas” with a houseful, but I’m ready for some quiet now, already snuggling in…

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Three? Really!

Three years old today! Hard to believe that this excitement happened that long ago, and even more miraculous that this wee one,  introduced back inthis post  is now big enough to sit up at the counter…

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Mini Getaway and some MaterPride

My son’s convocation from University of Victoria was last Thursday, and we were there to watch him walk across the stage, kneel before the Chancellor, re-place his hat in that ages-old academic ritual. Very moving,…

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Wordless Wednesday

My words seem to contain too many sighs these days, so I’ll keep them to myself and offer you some images instead. . . Fall colours . . . I wonder if the goldfish apprehends…

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Playing in the Park: Good For What Ails You!

 A very good antidote to whatever ails you: playing int the park with an almost three-year old. A risk-taker who nonetheless appreciates a supporting hand  who can lead one on a merry chase and really…

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Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.