Visiting an Exhibition in Paris. . . via Responsible Social Distancing. . .

Back at that Kiki Smith exhibition in Paris’s La Monnaie last December. . . as with another exhibition of feminist art I visited in the same institution the December before last, the impressive courtyard hosted…

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Time, Travel. . . Back to Paris While Sheltering in Place. . . Art for the Spirit

This photo of American artist Kiki Smith’s stunning tapestries displayed in a sumptuous room in Paris’s La Monnaie has garnered more “likes” on my Instagram feedthan anything else I’ve ever posted, by far. and it…

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Sketching Style. . .

After a busy weekend (Saturday: Italian class, lunch with friends, favourite sushi date with favourite guy; Sunday: stretch class and long walk, afternoon and dinner with grandkids and daughter. . . favourite guy made ravioli…

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Last Day in Paris . . . for now . . .

 I haven’t wanted to spend much time blogging, but I’m trying to keep up my travel journal, and I thought perhaps I could get away with a two-birds-one-stone approach here today, my last day in…

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More Paris Couture

 Thanks for all your “safe travelling” wishes — yesterday was a long day, 13 hours in transit by the time I walked in the door and put my suitcase down, my feet up. And, as…

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Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.