And The Year’s Reading Began Well: January Books

And so it begins. . . A new Reading Journal for 2021, a small notebook received at a Creative Mornings event, back when those were still in person (sigh). . . I used one of…

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Armchair Travel: Reading About Sicily . . .

The second page in my new Watercolour Sketchbook — the first boasts my hand-drawn (and hence, more suggestive than accurate 😉 of Sicily.  . . We’re planning a family meet-up week there next spring, and…

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Reading Fireside? A Dozen Titles for You. . .

 Only 70 more pages to go in Alice Zeniter’s L’Art de Perdre which I borrowed from the library. A wonderful novel following three generations of a family from pre-Independence Algeria to present-day France. I’ll share more…

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A Paris Memoir and The Teachings of Plants — Gleanings from the Library

I ended myhalf-year reading round-up with Liam Callanan’s Paris by the Book; between that title and thetitles I mentioned in my last post, I’ve failed to record some fifteen or so books.  Too bad, because…

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Kim Stafford’s Muses

It’s becoming increasingly obvious that I’m unable to manage writing about each book I read, as I’d hoped when I began this blog, and managed up until this year. The choice of stopping the blog,…

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Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.