This ‘n That — Catch-Up

This is the pile of Books-I-Have-Read-Recently-But-Not-Blogged-Yet.  I think I’ve mentioned before that, in order to keep myself honest, book-blogging-wise, I don’t let myself put Books-I’ve-read away until I’ve at least made a note, here, of…

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Vacation Reading

Read on vacation: Charles Dickens’ Tale of Two Cities — poor Pater, there were so many passages that I had to read out loud so that he could appreciate the hilariously dry wit along with…

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Potpourri — mystery, chicklit, memoirs, theory

Okay, this is going to be one of those quick catch-up posts — if I have a minute, one of these days I’ll take a photo or two of the stacks and stacks of unreads…

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Bleak House

I’ve just finished Charles Dickens’ Bleak House, and I’ve enjoyed it so much. Except for reading Hard Times about ten years ago as a Teaching Assistant, I hadn’t read Dickens for decades, until I decided…

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