Friday Becomes Saturday. . . of (Momentary) Sadness and Purpose and Simple Pleasures . . . and Aging. . .

Friday, I wrote this. . . after deleting two other half-hearted attempts that my very vocal inner critic deemed banal or overly self-indulgent. . .  Today is tough. No single reason, nor any serious one.…

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Maybe I’m Comin’ Around . . .

With apologies to Steve Earle. . . and with many thanks to you for your empathy. . . Thought it might reassure you to know that I sketched a page in my journal yesterday. It…

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Not (Quite) Drowning, Thank You for Waving Back. . .

Title’s a reference to Stevie Smith’s poem, “Not Waving but Drowning”, in case you don’t know it. . . .  Late posting this week — I tripped over something that sent me into a puddle of…

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The Blues Catching Up, Even on Travel

Not sure if you noticed that it’s been longer than usual since my last post (six days!) but I’ve found myself in a bit of a slough this last week, on and off. Sense of…

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Three Titles in Search of a (Belated) Blogpost. . .

An entire month has slipped away since I last posted here — although I did write about my friend Carol Matthews’ book Minerva’s Owl: The Bereavement Phase of My Marriage over on my main blog. In case…

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