Five Things on a Sunny Spring Friday

Well, we’ll see if I make it to Five Things.  1. These beautiful apple blossoms on the Scarlet Sentinel tree opened this week in our terrace garden, thanks to some very generous sunshine.  Besides being…

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On the Wall: Self-Expression and Play and Vulnerability

Although I’ve not been so inclined to put words together here recently, I’ve been immensely gratified to your response when I do — as for last Monday’s post on finding a cup of tea in…

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Retirement Activities: From Watercolour to Babysitting with a Dash of Yoga and Running

Having emptied my suitcases, washed the laundry, sorted through mail, remembered a few passwords, discovered what kitchen staples needed to be replaced … And, very importantly, got myself back on Pacific Daylight Time (just in time…

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Creative Inspiration from a Broken Eggshell — Yes, Really!

 I spotted this eggshell on the road when I was running last week Y  and I popped it on my finger like a thimble so that I could carry it home without crushing it.  At…

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Drawing My Own Lines . . .

First, let me say very quickly that I wasn’t showing the sketch above in my last post because I thought it was worth showing off for its accomplished execution. Ha!  No!! I included it simply…

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Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.