marking and its antidotes

I’m becoming convinced that protracted marking sessions effect bio-chemical changes which make a person appear very, very cranky. Imagine reading essays which begin “Historical aspects and events have never been so important as ever before”…

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All good things must come to a temporary hiatus?

Besides so often arriving home on Wednesday too tired to feel enthusiastic about shoe-blogging, I’m running out of shoes that deserve a post. Yes, there are more shoes in my wardrobe, but I’m not sure…

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Putting the boot to obligations!

I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed this afternoon — I’ve just got home with a stack of research paper proposals and accompanying annotated bibliographies which have to be returned tomorrow. There’s a storm promised which always…

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weekend report, part 1

We did so much this weekend! One of the highlights was a visit to the Vancouver Art Gallery to see the Georgia O’Keeffe exhibit. Since we bought memberships there last year (very reasonable and you…

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Shoes for Visitors, Shoes for Comfort, Shoes for Attitude

You’d never know it from my empty comments box in the post below, but it’s been non-stop visitors around here today, as readers following the conversation about “mutton dressed as lamb” click on a link…

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