The Tuesday Report. . .

Doing the best we can in difficult times, sometimes we’re lucky enough to stumble into patches of encouraging beauty, or of the sweetly ordinary . . . And then to turn this into hope, if we can? Mood is an issue this week, but the post arrives with compensatory images. Click through to see what I mean. . .

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Saturday Morning

Once again, problems with the email subscription mail-out, so I’ve put together a short Outfit of the Day post to test the system. My Bluestocking Chic Slow Fashion to ward off the blues this morning and wave hello to you from Very. Rainy. Vancouver. . . (Subtitle: How to wear bright yellow boots and a patchwork tweed coat!)

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Paris Windows . . . and a Trial Balloon (Delivery System Test)

I’m sharing a few favourite Paris windows with you this morning . . . and using that excuse to check whether or not my email subscription service is working. Don’t want you to miss a post because then I’d miss getting your thoughtful responses! Hope you enjoy the windows. . . we can pretend we’re strolling Rue du Bac together. . .

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Five Things Friday, in Bordeaux, in November. . .

More than halfway through my ten weeks’ away from home now, and so much stored up to share here, once I get organised. For now, another Five Things. . .  ’cause Random is the New…

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Cuteness Brought to you by Tuesday. . . .

It is rapidly becoming apparent that Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday are going to be very short of blogging time this term. And if you read my last post, you’ll have noticed that Friday-Saturday-Sunday can get chomped up quite…

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Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.