More Marlon James. . .

Thanks again to Georgia for a post that has whetted my appetite for reading Elana Ferrante’s backlist. I’ve got Ferrante’s Neapolitan books piled up by my desktop computer waiting for me to be home long…

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This ‘n That — Catch-Up

This is the pile of Books-I-Have-Read-Recently-But-Not-Blogged-Yet.  I think I’ve mentioned before that, in order to keep myself honest, book-blogging-wise, I don’t let myself put Books-I’ve-read away until I’ve at least made a note, here, of…

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Kathleen Winter’s Annabel

I’m planning to write a post responding to Hope’s question (at this post) about how I found time to read while raising my children, and how I continue to structure pockets of reading time into…

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Richards, Wagamese, and Rankin

Just time to record a few titles. First, David Adams Richards’ The Lost Highway — the man can write! His novels are always dense and always verging on the grotesque, either through particular characters or…

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Bill Gaston’s Sointula, Rebecca Godfrey’s The Torn Skirt and Junot Diaz’s The Brief Wondrous Life

Quite a few posts back, Mardel commented that she was reading a book set in what she realized must be my homeplace, Nanaimo. I was a bit surprised to learn that, as Bill Gaston, while…

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