2014 Reading

I scarcely posted at all this year, and there’s no point apologizing for that. I did book-Tweet a fair bit when I was reading Jeannette Winterson’s and Quentin Crisp’s memoirs, and I thought about recovering…

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Donna Leon’s About Face

Only one chapter into Donna Leon’s About Face, and already I’d found two sentences worth remarking First, for the brilliantly sly balancing of its second (post-semi-colon) independent clause: “He recognized the Conte’s lawyer and his…

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Claire Messud’s The Woman Upstairs

Okay, so what if, instead of making a big deal out of not having time to write a decent review, I just churn out a few posts giving quick impressions of some of the most…

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Can I ever catch up?

Trying to get back to book-blogging. First stop, recognizing that I have a Draft post that I never managed to press “publish” on. So here’s a start on 2014, except that it’s still teetering on…

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