A Disparate Trinity . . .

We’re leaving for Amsterdam (five days there, then most of the month in France) early next week, and when I return I’ll be even further behind in recording my reading! So I’m just going to…

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Richard Wagamese’s Indian Horse

Much as I got swept up by so much of Richard Wagamese’s latest novel, Indian Horse (read on my Kobo), I had reservations about it long before the ending. I loved his descriptions of the landscape,…

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At The Cat’s Table with Ondaatje

It’s almost two months since I finished Michael Ondaatje’s The Cat’s Table, but the images and impressions left by the novel are still clear. Especially clear is the voice of that young child, filtered through…

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What’s the Mystery? McDermid, Child, Watson

I’m trying to resist the gripping escapes they offer me, but I’ll admit to a few mysteries read already this year (and later perhaps I’ll list those I’m ready to load up on my Kobo…

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Diana Athill’s Instead of a Book

Besidesreading for work, though, I’ve snuck in a few books just for me. Diana Athill’s Instead of a Book: Letters to a Friend might be my favourite of the year so far; admittedly, I was predisposed…

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