2012 Reading List

I’m not sure why it’s taken me three weeks into the year to get my 2012 Reading List posted, given that I compile it on an ongoing basis throughout the year, but I suppose I…

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Kim Stafford’s Muses

It’s becoming increasingly obvious that I’m unable to manage writing about each book I read, as I’d hoped when I began this blog, and managed up until this year. The choice of stopping the blog,…

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A Historical Survey . . .

A hasty grouping of history novels so that I could move some books back onto the shelves: The best of the bunch, Hilary Mantel’s Bring Up the Bodies. Another very satisfying historical novel is Eva…

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Dai Sijie’s Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress

I loved Dai Sijie’s Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress which I found on the remaindered table at Munro’s Books in Victoria where I also picked up Per Peterson’s Out Stealing Horses last winter. It often strikes…

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Recently Read Genre fiction

Continuing my clean-up/catch-up project of grouping my lighter reading together so that I at least mention here the titles on my 2012 Reading list, here are the mystery novels I’ve read since the spring: Patricia…

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