More Atkinson

I recently reread Kate Atkinsons’ Behind the Scenes at the Museum, some 13 or so years after I read it with a book club. This time, I was motivated by my friend Tanis who moved…

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Late Nights and Mystery

Because I’ve been so far behind in recording my reading for so long, I haven’t been grabbing impressions of what I’m reading at the moment — Twitter is giving me a venue for doing so,…

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Two Books on the English Language

Many of you who took a 1st-year English course — called something like Composition & Rhetoric or Writing for University — will perhaps remember working your way through an anthology of essays — to which…

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Lionel Shriver’s So Much for That

I thought that Lionel Shriver’s So Much for That might make a hat-trick, withthese other two titles, of books I couldn’t finish.  The rants of one particular character — against office and government bureaucracies, against taxes,…

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Dionne Brand’s Ossuaries

Just finished reading Dionne Brand’s Ossuaries, twice. That is, I finished this book-length (124 pages) poem, and turned almost immediately to the beginning to read it through again. It’s stunning, difficult, tough, uncompromising, and wildly,…

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