Men, Ageing, and Memory

I see that I began writing this post mid-to-late November. I ddn’t think I’d been away quite so long, but it’s been busy, as always . . . I’ve squeezed some worthy reading into my…

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Catch-up: Three Titles

Sorry for the lack of posting, but the paid work does come first . . . and the reading itself which I’m unwilling to give up in order to be able to write about what…

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Thinking About Cities. . . .and Books about Cities

In contrast with my last post, the two books I’ll briefly discuss here are much more subtantial. Both non-fiction, Stephen Scobie’s The Measure of Paris and Mark Kingwell’s Concrete Reveries: Consciousness and the City speak to/about our…

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A Little Light Reading. . .

The gap between what I’ve read and what I’ve written about here grows alarmingly wider, even as my chance of lessening it becomes very slim with the return of classes, the numerous obligations of teaching.…

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Two books by Molly Peacock

When I was in Fredericton back in May, my friend Tanis MacDonald and I spent much of a happy afternoon wandering the amazing cornucopia of books that is The Owl’s Nest Bookstore. Even though I…

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