Dionne Brand’s What We All Long For

Mater in Toronto last summer, in front of the Royal Ontario Museum’s Michael Lee-Chin Crystal As I mentioned last post, I’ve been teaching Dionne Brand’s What We All Long For. My students are finding much…

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Too much sex? Stephen Henighan’s The Streets of Winter

Got your attention? Thought I could risk a catchier title! Last week I re-read Stephen Henighan’s The Streets of Winter in preparation for teaching it in my 4th-year urban Canadian fiction class. Once again, noting…

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Reading for Pleasure — Richard Wagamese’s Ragged Company

Today I was gifted with the mixed blessing of a March snow day. While this admittedly makes life a bit tougher in terms of getting ’round, and while it means we’ll be trudging through a…

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The Mysteries of Escape Reading

In some ways, I’d have to admit that I have commodified (even commoditized, ugly though that word may be) my reading — that is, my paycheque is based on my ability to analyse my reading…

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Timothy Taylor’s Stanley Park

I’ve just finished re-reading Timothy Taylor’s Stanley Park in preparation for teaching it after our reading break. It’s been six or seven years since I first/last read it, and I was pleased, but not surprised,…

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Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.