Rush, rush, rush, but there’s always time for more books!

Very quickly as I’m packing and trying to finish my conference papers. Quick treat mystery: Harlan Coben’s Hold Tight. Pater had started it but couldn’t get into it for whatever reasons. I picked it up,…

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Congratulations, Randall!

Congratulations to Randall Maggs who was presented Wednesday with the E.J. Pratt award for his book Night Work: The Sawchuk Poems which I’ve written about here and here. The book won the Winterset award earlier…

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Kellerman’s Bones, Flynn’s Knife, and Wiseman’s Crackpot

I wonder if I’m doomed to keep apologizing for cursory posts here — I do hope that, once I’ve got these two conferences behind me, I’ll be able to be a bit more expansive here,…

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Potpourri — mystery, chicklit, memoirs, theory

Okay, this is going to be one of those quick catch-up posts — if I have a minute, one of these days I’ll take a photo or two of the stacks and stacks of unreads…

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Muriel Barbery’s The Elegance of the Hedgehog

Right now, my reading is divided primarily between a stack of student essays and, more happily, some guidebooks on London (I’m looking for a decent, affordable place to stay for a few days at the…

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