Reacher in Paris

If you’ve spent any time reading here, or especially if you’ve spent any time reading over here, you’ll know that I’m a bit of a francophile, and also that my husband and I have been…

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Don Domanski and metaphor

I’ve just read Canadian poet Don Domanski’s Ralph Gustafson lecture Poetry and the Sacred, published as a beautiful hand-stitched chapbook. As I was recently thinking about metaphor while reading Ghosh’s Sea of Poppies and Dickens’…

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A Reading Medley — mystery, Canadiana, knitting et al

It’s a long while since I last posted — three weeks? I know that part of the reason is that my last post mentioned wanting to follow up on my discussion of Amitav Ghosh’s Sea…

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Reading for Planes, Trains, and . . . Ferries

We’re back from our vacances and almost adjusted to the time change, so it’s time to catch up here. As I mentioned in my last post. oh so long ago, I tend to stick to…

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from my montreal hotel room– a little light reading

Travelling now, which will mostly mean reading mysteries — we try to pack lightly, so I bring along books we’ll both enjoy but won’t mind leaving behind. I did think I might have packed my…

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