What I Read in 2009

Near the end of last term, I posed the same question to each of my three sections of 1st-year University Composition. We’d been discussing Steven Johnson’s Everything Bad is Good for You throughout the term,…

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Finishing the Year: Hilary Mantel’s Wolf Hall and Patricia Cornwell’s The Scarpetta Factor

Oh dear! Once again, I am woefully behind in recording my reading. At the moment, I’m reading Penelope Lively’s The Family Album, having finished Margaret Atwood’s The Year of the Flood as my first 2010…

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Anne Michaels’ The Winter Vault

If I hadn’t read Anne Michaels’ The Winter Vault immediately after reading Michael Ondaatje’s Divisadero, would I have been so struck by what seem such strong stylistic similarities between the two writers? Perhaps not. Certainly,…

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The Enchantress of Florence

17 or 18 years ago, in an undergraduate course in Commonwealth Literature (otherwise known as post-colonial lit.), I first read Salman Rushdie’s Midnight’s Children. I’ll admit to finding it a hard slog, at first, densely…

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Joseph Boyden’s Through Black Spruce

I’m working on a post about Anne Michaels’ The Winter Vault, but meanwhile, a quick catch-up (story of my blogging life, truly) toward wrapping up this year’s reading. First, Joseph Boyden’s Through Black Spruce —…

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