since we last spoke . . .

So sorry for not blogging BUT, since Tuesday I have -flown from Montreal to Vancouver, catching up with Pater over dinner at La Brasserie on Davie Tuesday evening; -ferried (first big ferry, then small) back…

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Montreal neighbourhood architecture

Besides the exuberant use of colour, as I showed you in yesterday’s posts, older Montreal neighbourhoods are marked by a wealth of architectural detail — especially, but not only, balconies and exterior stairs. Not even…

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More snapshots

The chest I was re-organizing over the past weekend yielded more treasures, surprises, and memories than the photos of my mother I posted the other day. Even going back 18 years, as in the photo…

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Mother’s Day Memories and Musings

Looking throuugh some old photos last week, I came across this page in a Photograph album from my late teens/early twenties, an album populated by photos taken with either the Brownie Hawkeye box camera I…

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6th and Blue

No, my Romneya coulterii isn’t blooming yet. Rather, Hostess recently asked that I join her in a meme and post an image from my 6th blogpost. (She also asked that I pass the meme along…

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Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.