Which Way to the Beach?!

We got home July 8th, and it’s been sunny ever since, with more of the same forecast through next weekend and beyond. I worry a bit about drought and the salmon soon trying to return,…

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Nestling back in, feeling lucky

I’m feeling quite pleased with myself for bringing the good weather back home with me — the whole time we were away, the temperature here rarely got into the low 20s, but this week it’s…

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Home again, Home again, jiggety-jig . . .

Pater humoured me this morning and we were out of the hotel by 6:15, at King’s Cross and on the Piccadilly Line by 6:30, and at Heathrow by 7:30 where there were no long lines…

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A Tale of Two Cities — well, mostly Paris!

I wrote this post yesterday morning, went to Publish, and realized the Wi-fi connection had been cut off partway through so I’d lost most of my work. Re-writing it with slightly less enthusiasm now that…

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Happy Canada Day, from Paris

We arrived in Paris Tuesday afternoon after a pleasant train trip from Portugal on the Sud Express and then the TGV up from Hendaye. Dining and sleeping on the train, beautiful countryside flashing past —…

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