Back to Edinburgh, a Retrospective Visit . . .

Still dark outside as I put the last touches on this post and get ready to publish it. I’m sitting on the couch, a wool blanket tucked over my legs as the room gradually warms…

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Mess-Making or Art-Faking or “Just” Plain Child’s Play? A Peek in My Journal

 As I work on revising my draft, I’m finding a useful counterpoint in the messy play I allow myself in a field I come to with limited skills and lower expectations. To revise my writing…

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Winter Sunshine and Weathered Memories

 In contrast to Monday’s post about urban noise, I’m featuring a more tranquil scene today, and I only have to swivel my head a quarter turn to the left (and plug my ears!) and I…

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Monday, Noisy Urban Monday. . .

Monday mornings often find me dragging my feet a bit over writing a blogpost. Yes, it would be smart to work on the Monday post over the weekend, have it ready to go so that…

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Five (Illustrated) Things Friday. . .

The Ten is coming to hang out with us today while her teachers have a Pro-D Day. Before she arrives, I’m going to slip into running gear and out into the dawn-dark streets. . .…

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Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.