a walk in the park . . .

This weather is simply not to be believed. Again today it was as high as 23 degrees — and you know that in such weather, tout le monde is in a good mood.  Yesterday’s shopping expedition…

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Summer Already? Bordeaux . . .

 You can see how delightfully sunny it was when we arrived in Bordeaux, but you might not know from my dress how warm it was — sadly, the possibility of 23 degree weather wasn’t a…

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Running in Paris (and some What I Wore, NOT for running!)

We’re heading off to Bordeaux this (Friday)morning, where we will be meeting Lesley from the charming, lively, thoughtful (if sporadic) Peregrinations (the title and subtitle alone indicate the quality of word-smithing that goes on here). Meanwhile,…

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Les Vitrines de Paris . . . Windows, windows . . .

I promised you Paris windows, and I’m quite proud to deliver this beauty: this is the Hermès window in St. Germain. Whimsy on a grand scale! and more whimsy a few blocks away in the…

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Parisian chic, of a certain age . . .

I can’t imagine what nerve one has to muster to ask strangers if it’s okay to photograph them for one’s blog. I don’t think I could do it. Instead, I pretended I was immensely interested…

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