April Showers (or not) and May Flowers (we hope)

Besides being pretty, pretty, pretty, these photos of London gardens (the one above of a keeper’s cottage in Hyde Park) serve to demonstrate just how far ahead the weather brought the gardens in a climate…

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London Shows, Some Confusion, and Some Successful Improvisation

on the summer boardwalk by the Thames “beach” We had a full, busy day yesterday, here in London.  After a hearty English breakfast here at the hotel, we headed off to the Tate Modern to…

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Les Fleurs de Paris — aaaaa-choo!

A small alley in Montparnasse which housed historic ateliers and continues to feature artist studios, a small museum, exhibitions . . . and a delightful garden!  We leave Paris for London on Wednesday, in the…

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Madame Grès and Antoine Bourdelle, a Conversation Between Sculptors

Back in Paris after a lovely stay in Metz, I’m trying to organize my photos — it’s rather overwhelming, to tell you the truth, and I’m hampered by working on the netbook’s small screen. What…

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Paris Shutters

Lately, all my post-writing begins with uploading photos — on this wee netbook (and with recent problems I’ve encountered with Blogger), it’s been easier that way. But it has the effect of allowing the visuals…

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Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.