Jeans and Hermes? Indeed!

I’ll have to tell you soon about my very enjoyable jeans-shopping expedition in Shoreditch, London last month, but in keeping with my new resolution to have more long-on-photos, short-on-words posts, today you just get a…

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London, China, Art, and Visibility

 I was going to post a What I Wore photo taken by Pater in the garden yesterday, but then I clicked on That’s Not My Age’s post for today. TNMA has declared her own Ai…

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Paris Couture . . . and some Pondering . . . .

Clear evidence, from Grès’s 1986-7 collection, that  her techniques are amenable to a very contemporary look  I’m doing some blog-thinking right now, trying to decide how to reconcile the copious material I still have to…

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Sunshine, Lilacs, Birthday Honours

 Finally, finally, yesterday the sun came out and shone for the entire day. My birthday. I could not have been more honoured. Well, except for how honoured I felt at the family dinner Sunday night,…

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Quiet spots in London . . . Dead quiet, some of them . . .

While you can sometimes find a quiet spot in a museum or art gallery, as I have, in the photo above, in London’s fabulous and free National Portrait Gallery, Pater and I have found a…

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Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.