Crab — Bait to Plate . . .

We’re still not done with that gorgeous chinook salmon my brother brought to last weekend’sfamily gathering.  After the leftovers were stripped of meat for the fishcakes, there was still head, skeleton, and odds ‘n ends…

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All My Faces . . .

 Lisa at AmidPrivilege wrote a probing, thoughtful post last Saturday on on-line personae and authentic selves.  Of course, we in the post-structuralist, postmodern Humanities no longer believe in authenticity of the self anyway. But most…

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au cinema . . . a Paris . . .

While I’m collecting my thoughts, and photographs, of the wedding, let’s go back to Paris for a while, shall we? Pater and I did, the evening after the nuptials, via Midnight in Paris, showing at…

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Together Again: Wagamese and Richards . . . and Wharton?

If I don’t catch up by combining several short blurbs in one post, I’ll never get to talk about a book while it’s fresh with me. So, here goes, three from May: 1. I read…

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Roses, Roses . . .

 Lisa’s post on roses inspired me to finally grab some photos of the riotous explosion of fragrant bloom in my wild cottage garden. . . .above, you see in the background the Rosa Complicata while…

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