Sketching San Sebastian

 Mostly pictures today, and just a few. I’ve been busy attending Northern Voice social media conference, and later today I will be part of a panel on Owning Our Beauty organized by Tracey Rossignol. So…

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Visibly Pondering — Jeans and Everyday

Interesting. I’ve been feeling somewhat distanced from the style/fashion portion of blogging, lately, and trying to sort out why that might be. Could just be a consequence of living out of a carry-on bag for…

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A Medley: Blooms, Lists, Visits, and a Blogging Conference!

 A favourite iris is blooming — it was a favourite of my Dad’s, and he and Mom divided one from their garden and planted it in mine at least 15 years ago. Dad’s been gone…

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Borrowed Libraries . . .

If I’d known what was awaiting me in our rental home in Bordeaux, I wouldn’t have bothered loading up my Kobo with holiday reading. Here’s a sample of the shelves, a plethora of delicious possibilities…

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Recognizing an old friend in Bordeaux . . .

We’ve just got back from a quick and fabulous trip to San Sebastian, Spain, but while I’m putting together a post or two about that — pintxos! shopping! beach! — let me tell you about…

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Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.