The Garden as Book: Turning the Pages of My New Urban Terrace

I love the way the weather has blasted a rust stencil into the old Doukhobor church bench I picked up years ago to celebrate having successfully passed my doctoral comprehensives. The stencil itself was bought…

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Writing, Gardening, Getting Fit, Making Lists. . . Spring Organising. . .

Perhaps not surprisingly, we still feel a bit tired and breathless around here. Behind the scenes, you won’t know, we’ve spent the past couple of months with our small apartment — pied-à-terre in the city…

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Calling All Gardeners. . . Do You Know This Pretty?

On Instagram the other day, I posted this close-up and another photo of the entire shrub it grows on. As I said in that post, I came home and researched this gloriously fragrant shrub whose…

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In the Deep February of Winter. . . . Some Garden Colours for You

As you can see from this post on my Instagram account, we’ve just had another snowfall this week, and we’re apparently in for a week of precipitation at temperatures on either side of freezing.  The day…

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Settling In: A WIW photo and a peek at the new Garden

Bit of a whirlwind ’round here, as you might imagine, what with all the moving boxes and the trying to understand this new space, the new lifestyle we’ve embarked on, how we will want and…

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Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.