Here She Comes, the Bride!

 I can’t believe it’s been almost two weeks since I promised to reveal the bride soon, but then I can’t quite believe I’m finding time to post considering the full-treadmill-mode I’m in at work. So…

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Chez Nous à Bordeaux . . .

As we watch summer’s relaxed days dwindle, as I try to dodge the stresses of wedding preparation and paid-work-related worries  and watch autumn hurtle towards us with its onslaught of obligations, I’m already dreaming of…

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Simple Summer Pleasures: Favourite T, Foodie Stuff, and Beach Happenings. . .

Summer Pleasure #1 Favourite but sadly ancient summer T. Gap 2007, the absolutely perfect-weight cotton knit. I think it’s its beach-faded vibe of pink and white is the best possible coloured riff on the ubiquitous…

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Summer Dates, August Weddings

While I’ve been writing about Fava Bean Recipes  and Navy Cashmere Sweaters and Churches in France and Chainsawed Beach Furniture, two dates have been creeping closer and closer. One is the date on which my colleagues and I…

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Paean to a Navy Cashmere V-Neck

It’s been so long since I last posted on What I Wore. In my penultimate such post, I was pondering a certain fatigue with WIW posts in general, my own in particular. At the time,…

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