Paris Vignettes

We have so little time in Paris this visit, especially after travel woes robbed us of a day, that I am going to be frugal with my writing for now. But let me share several…

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Word-less Wednesday. . .dans le jardin . . .

Feeling a little low this morning, partly last night’s election results, partly an anticipatory homesickness (I know, isn’t that weird? But I get bouts of it before every extended trip and wish we were just…

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Happy 1st of May!

The Lily-of-the-Valley is blooming in my garden, another plant that originally came from my parents’ garden. And before that garden, my Mom grew it in each of the other two homes they lived in, back…

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Easter, a new family significance. . . .

 We’ve had a lovely weekend here, Paul and I with our daughter B and our g-daughter Nola, a weekend of hikes and beachglass hunts and ice cream sundaes in the sunshine. Of colouring together and…

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Waiting, on Easter Weekend

It feels so odd, alienating, to be here, at home, on the island, while my mother only occasionally achieves consciousness, breathing through her mouth in a deep sleep in a hospice bed across the Strait.…

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Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.