My Life in French, Instalment Three*

*If you missed the earlier two Instalments and would like to catch up, click here and here “Le R E R, ça marche? Le R E R, ça marche?” Every few visits to Paris, we’ll…

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Why Bordeaux? Check out the Plensa, for a Start. . .

Our Paris friend wondered what it was that we liked about Bordeaux. Many things, we answered, particularly the riverfront promenade, the central square in front of the Opera house, the friendliness of its inhabitants, particularly…

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Mainland to Big Island to little island. . . Almost Home

We’ve managed a few things on my Glad-to-be–Home list . . . Visited all our Vancouver kids yesterday, delighting in everyone’s obvious happiness and well-being, the granddaughters thriving, one family having moved into a new…

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Good-bye France, Hello my Home

  Heading to the airport where we’ve decided to check our bags for a change, having bought a Longchamps bag to consolidate some overflow. . . After a busy day of ambling on Saturday, I…

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Bordeaux: it's all Sharks and Roses and Cabbages!

This past week has been emotionally gruelling, but Paul’s father was buried yesterday, and now we will begin to move forward. I’ve just erased a paragraph in which I tried to explain our decision not…

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