Five Things Friday

1. If you’re from anywhere East of, say, Hope, in Canada, or if, wherever you are in the US you have been affected by the Polar Vortex, you may want to look away lest envy…

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Bah, Humbug . . Tis the Season

This is the view outside one of our apartment windows this morning. yes, fresh snow, and shouldn’t I be thrilled to see some white just in time for Christmas? Well, let me first acknowledge that…

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West Coast Winter Blooms

I had hoped to write a post about the lovely days I’ve had in my plan to Avoid the Stress and Stretch the Festive Season. . . . However, lovely as they have been, and…

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What I Wore — It’s Getting Chilly. . .

I’ve been enjoying various posts around Blogland on the topic of coats. This post on Grechen’s Closet, for example, pulled together a tempting array of smart outerwear.  And I loved these red coats that The…

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Mountains of Memories

Besides jotting down ideas for blogposts as they occur to me, I keep a pile of books to the left of my computer, ones that I’ve read but have not yet recorded on myreading blog.…

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Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.