Dressing and Depressing — Title for a Friday!

 Not sure what the triggers are, but I’ve been feeling flat lately. Heavy, blue-ish, verging disconcertingly close to the feeling that precedes the bout of depression I suffer occasionally, and that Itried writing about last…

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Friday, Five Things Again

1.  This morrel morel mushroom surprised me last Thursday, popping up just outside our garden gate. I did a bit of research to confirm that it was safely edible, and then picked it, popped it…

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Reflections on a Running Route

 I’m so moved by all the kind words so many of you have left, congratulating me on reaching my goal of running a marathon — thank you so much! As you know, I generally try…

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Five Things Friday

1. If I’m going to bother making pie crust, I usually make up enough for 3 double crusts. Whatever I don’t bake up that day gets sent to the freezer in balls big enough for…

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White Jeans, Again?

First, thank you so very much for all your warm encouragement on my marathon preparations. Only three more sleeps now. . . . And Second, I’m really enjoying these white jeans!  I’ve seen any number…

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