Bordeaux Ruins

Monday was a holiday here (as the day following Pentecost Sunday), and we spent the afternoon in the charming garden of the blogging friend who first introduced us to Bordeaux and who, with her family,…

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Sunny Reflections in Bordeaux

After the cool-ish days we spent in London, we’ve been delighted to bask in very warm weatherr here in Bordeaux. So warm that I can finally wear this sweet little white eyelet dress I snapped…

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Bye-bye London, Thanks for the Happy!

I’m writing this on the TGV to Bordeaux and will post it once we arrive chez nous, as I like to think of the little house we will be renting for the third time. Train…

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Transitions, Getting Ready to Go. . .

Wow! There is so much to do in the days before a month-long trip to Europe. I know, I know. First World problems, right? But this seems a particularly complicated trip, for us, what with…

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Memory, Its Changing Role, at A Certain Age

Lately, I’ve been fascinated by a changing awareness of memory and how it’s working at this stage of my life. To be precise about “this stage,” I’ve just turned 61. My mother died shortly before…

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Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.