Date Night: Vancouver Cycling at Dusk . . .

By the time Pater finished his Strata Council meetingour last night in Vancouver, it was past 8:30, and I assumed our plans for a possible pedal on our new bikes were off. But no. The…

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Five Things Friday

It’s been months since I’ve done one of these Five Things Fridays, but it does seem a good way to catch up a bit with some of what’s on my list, between Here and There:…

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Traveling light and City Cycling

We just got home from buying two bikes for some city cycling. I’m excited about that! We cycle daily on our little island, of course, but the entire circumference of the dirt road is only…

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Bringing the Holiday Home . . . To the Kitchen

While our vacation travels are often too busy to be relaxing, they do rejuvenate by interrupting routines, offering new perspectives. These perspectives often show up in small quotidian ways; I use my clothes dryer even…

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How I Learned to Stop Grumbling and Love Cycling? Or something like that ….

It is entirely possible that despite my considerable quotidian practicality, I may also nurture a certain Romanticism. Such that, when I head off with the Love of my Life on an adventure that combines 50…

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