Five Things Friday — Nana-and-Nola-style

As I might have mentioned, we have our 6-year-old granddaughter staying with us this week. She’s lovely, very easy to get along with, polite, cooperative, funny, happy with a trip to get groceries or a…

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Fountain Bamboo — Once in a Lifetime!

My fountain bamboo (fargesia nitida) is blossoming!  I was both excited and, honestly, a bit alarmed when I noticed this on a walk ’round my garden earlier this sunny week (more photos to come).  As…

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Lovely Lazy Weekend

 I’ve had a lovely weekend, a good portion having been spent right here in my leather armchair, reading a yummy mystery novel (Paula Hawkins’ Girl on a Train), shamelessly ignoring the books I have to…

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Five Things Friday

1. The summer before last, Paul and I watched this film en français, in a great little repertory cinema in Bordeaux. We grasped enough to know it was powerful, very moving, but we knew we’d…

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Throwback Thursday …. Grandmas and Granny Dresses

My English grandma and I, the summer my dad flew her out to visit us, 1966, something like nine years since we’d seen her, four or five, I think, since she’d been widowed. My Dad…

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