Monday, with Pink!

 Monday morning — are you ready for some pink? ’cause, boy, do I have some pink for you. . .  Pink bleeding heart (Dicentra formosa, native to the Pacific Northwest, so very easy-care in my…

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Two, Three, Four, and Five Things Saturday

Back home after my city days sans Pater, continuing my unfinished Five Things fromyesterday’s post. Must finish marking (the last) papers (I’ll ever mark!) before Monday’s exam and Pater and I have a yoga class…

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Sunday, Looking Back

 Kicking back on Sunday, looking over my shoulder at the week. . . . Thought I’d share a few images from the garden (a species tulip flashing its prettily-patterned throat; Solomon’s Seal thrusting upward through…

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Five Things Friday: A Movie, A Book, Some Tulips, and an Impending Event or Two . . .

1. I have embarked on the last big marking session of my academic career. Every attempt at complaint, I know, will be met by the reassuring reminder that “You only have x more of those…

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Wildflowers on Wednesday

The other day, I commented to Elizabeth at Welsh Hills Again that I loved her wonderful groupings, in her expansive garden, of naturalized daffodils, but that this appreciation was in contrast to my growing fatigue…

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