Five Things for a Dry, Hot Friday!

The promised Paris Eating post is almost completed, but rather than rush through to put it “live” today, I’m going with a Five Things Friday. Do tune in again soon if you want to know…

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Keeping Busy, Having Fun!

I’m finding it tough to find a blogging groove that works for this transitional stage of my life. While I suspect you may tire of reading my concerns about what I do and don’t feel…

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Five Things Friday

1. Weather: My daughter just Instagram-posted a screenshot of the weather in Rome, where she’s been trying to find shady spots for hanging out with our granddaughter. 34 Degrees! That’s tough in a city, and they’ve…

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Monday, Getting Started. . .

 Yesterday’s post was about looking back, reviewing the week. Now it’s time to move forward, right? I’m trying to get some traction in making my transition to retirement. Between reading and gardening and, obviously, taking…

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Looking Back at the Week, Coming Up Roses. . .

Back home, Paris week and Seattle getaway behind me, my Retirement Dinner a happy memory, an Important Dinner and a Convocation this coming week, and then I think I’ll begin clearing out my office. The…

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Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.