Have You Seen This Film? You Should!

A quick post to recommend a must-see film, Simon Curtis’s Woman in Gold, based on the true story of Maria Altmann’s efforts to recover Gustav Klimt’s portrait of her aunt from Vienna’s Belvedere Gallery. The elderly…

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Reading by Obligation, Self-Imposed. . .

Interestingly, but probably not surprisingly, my reading patterns mirror my personality as clearly as most of my other behaviour patterns. Perhaps even more so.  Duty struggles with pleasure, goals struggle against random temptations, and a…

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How to Get a Really Quiet House…

We’ve just had the loveliest nine days of family visits. First this sweetheart brought her parents (my son and dear daughter-in-law) along for an extended weekend, and my brother and his wife dropped in for…

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Word(less) Wednesday — Island Life with a Visiting Granddaughter and Too Much Smoke…

She’s on a mission: collecting seaweed for the garden compost. Those “clouds” are actually all smoke, so we’re rationing outdoor time.  I’d hoped to do a bit better with posting this week, but I’d probably…

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Word-less Wednesday on Canada Day

I’m crazy about the way the evening sunlight filters through these huge trees at a neighbour’s just up the road.  First of all, Happy Canada Day to my compatriots. I’m not big on flag-waving in…

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Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.