More Italy. . . Because I’ll be there soon!

I have to say I’m getting a bit panicky about how many titles I’m behind here. I’ve read so many wonderful books this summer, but I seem to have written about so few of them.…

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Towards a Renewed Blogging Practice

Thank you so much for all the birthday greetings extended to my wonderful husband on the last post. We spent a very good day together, cycling and celebrating with family. I have some photos of…

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Happy Birthday, my Love!

  Happy Birthday to a fabulous Granddad, loving, supportive Dad, and really the best partner I could have found. Yesterday, as I mentioned in this post, he babysat so I could take our daughter out…

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Five Things Friday: Toe-Dipping Activities. . .

This photo, which I took yesterday at dusk, captures some of what I’ve been feeling lately: a sense of, to use my big words, liminal plenitude. An almost paradisical fullness here, beauty and comfort abounding,…

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Wednesday’s Photos, With a Few Words. . .A Walk on the Island

Another Wednesday, another series of photos. This week, let me share the view over the Salish Sea from “my beach,” and then take you for a morning walk ’round our little island in the Pacific…

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Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.