Seven Things Sunday

I’ve already posted today, I know, because I wanted to share the Alaïa exhibition photos and my news about my upcoming trip to Rome before I headed out on an oh-so-early morning run with my…

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Friday Foolishness, Denim-style

If you came here via Lisa’s for a peek in my autumn garden, I’ll open the gate for you to walk right through. Mind the thorns on that rose; I really must trim that back! …

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Word-less Wednesday

 Wow! I’m beyond gratified, so very, very pleased at your reception of my thoughts onpost-travel transition, retirement liminality — and the pleasures of looking, the resistance to wanting. All thoughts that seemed too scrambled,  too…

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Settling In — Bonjour Bordeaux

Happily settling in our rented Bordeaux house, listening to québécois singer, Coeur de Pirate, convinced of the worth of packing along the little Jawbone Jambox speaker. Early September sunshine shifts over the vine-festooned garden wall…

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Ready to Cast Off–New Waters of Retirement and Travel

Okay, now I’m ready …. At least, ready to hand over the keys to our house-sitter. Laundry’s caught up, bathrooms clean, floors scrubbed… And thanks to the storm, our garden’s been well watered. Autumn will…

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Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.